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Great Activities To Do While Home

Here are some activities to do while home!

  1. Bake! Time to open that recipe book and learn how to make home made cookies.
  2. Organize. Now is a great time to clean out your closet. Find used clothes for charity.
  3. Read a book! When was the last time you had the chance?
  4. Archive memories. Sort through old photos and organize a book on shutter fly.
  5. Meditate. Peace of mind is important in this time. Mind over matter is key.
  6. Work out! Develop an exercise routine like mat pilates, yoga, or free weights. And stretch!
  7. D.I.Y. Time for that DIY project that you’ve always wanted to tackle.
  8. Paint! Get creative and find your inner artist. Try a wine and paint night.
  9. Virtual Reality Dinner Party! Get on Zoom or FaceTime with your loved one and have a blast.
  10. Spa night… Time to zen out and treat your self to a salt or bubble bath. Put on a face mask and relax.


Wishing all our friends, clients and everyone on plant earth a healthy happy week!

-Ivan Estrada Properties Team

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