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Exciting Home Technology Trends

Technology is affecting every area of our lives, and our homes are no different. There have always been changes to the ways that we use technology at home, and 2021 looks even more transformative. To make the most positive use of technologies in the living space, here are the home technologies that are the most exciting to come in 2021.


Smart technology is causing the biggest changes to the way that we live and the ways that we design our homes. Hyper-automation is already a top trend, but for the home, it is having the most impact in the kitchen. The goal of automation is to simplify life and make it easier to avoid those manual processes and actions that can take up so much of your day. Quality of life can be dramatically improved if you don’t have to spend time doing the weekly shop, or when you can think less about specific dietary requirements. A kitchen that’s connected smartly to the rest of your home can order what you need when you need it, and often before you even know that it’s necessary. When you can have your smart devices and home technologies connected for you by established firms like Media Controlled, home living can be transformed, made easier, and you can ensure that those stressful tasks that keep you away from relaxation can be easily avoided.


Technology and security go hand in hand. It is only natural that you want your home to be as safe and secure as possible, and you have more tech options to ensure that than ever before. From smart locks that let you monitor home security from anywhere to smart surveillance systems that offer automated police alerts in the case of emergencies, you can protect your home and keep your family more secure than ever. It’s not just physical home security that’s expected to see growth in 2021. Online privacy is also of vital importance, and as 5G, the IoT, and privacy-enhancing computation continues to grow more robust, you can now protect you and your loved ones whenever they go online.


There’s a lot of discussion about the Internet of Things, but less attention is being made on the Internet of Behaviors (IoB). Often referred to as the ‘digital dust’ of people’s lives, the IoB is what brands and organizations are using to more closely monitor the data related to behavioral events. The technologies leading the IoB are already in place, with tech such as facial recognition, big data, and location tracking all combining to give those organizations in both the government and the private sector more insights into how and why people act as they do. Insurance companies will be monitoring fitness levels, shops can target buying habits and target ads to correspond to specific habits, and car insurers will be able to target policies to specific demographics. The IoB is already in our homes and is transforming home living in invisible ways.

It can be difficult to predict exactly where technology is going to take us over the next few years, and a sudden breakthrough could change the world at any time. However, these three key areas are the expected focus of 2021 and are easily the most exciting new trends to emerge in tech for the home since the invention of the television.

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